Human Presence Detector (HPD) based on the usual Wi-Fi devices found at home.
The HPD is a movement detector which is able to detect the movement of a person in a delimited area just by using the signals generated by at least one commercial Wi-Fi device. The system takes profit of the Wi-Fi protocol physical layer by processing all the input signals of the Channel State Information (CSI) and taking a decision whether there is a person or not. Thanks to the Wi-Fi properties, the system can work through-the-wall and also in any conditions of light and it is not required that the person carries any device with him/her because it is based on the variation of movement of the human body.
The HPD can detect the movement of a person with just a few commercial Wi-Fi devices. This is an innovative solution and only has few requirements of installation. The solution is even more powerful than other detectors because it can detect a human presence through the wall and in total darkness. Moreover, the solution is cheap and due to the fact that the system can be trained, it can be adjusted to any situation. It is an interesting solution for the protection of different private infrastructures but also for domestic use.
Víctor Jiménez
Juan Caubet
All the documentation is classified as EU RESTRICTED
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