Category Archives: FinTech

The FINSEC Approach: Information Modelling

Information Modelling for Integrated (Cyber/Physical) Security Systems The H2020 FINSEC project is developing a unified approach to implementing security in the financial services industry, which is based on the integrated management of both cyber and physical security threats. This unified approach is motivated by the need to reduce the fragmentation of the security teams in financial organizations, […]

The FINSEC Approach: Information Sharing

Financial Supply Chain Security: The value of Collaboration Information sharing and collaboratively managing and mitigating security issues is the next frontier in financial security. Recently, an attack to the largest bank of Malta (Bank of Valeta – BOV) was prevented. Hackers attempted to withdraw 13 million euros, but the bank, shut down its systems, closed […]

FINSEC Big Data Infrastructure

The usage of Big Data for security management represents a significant advance in terms of both methodology and technology for any service platform dealing with cyber and physical security, especially in the financial sector. The FINSEC platform is a layered microservice architecture specifically designed to manage alerts and incidents from different sensors within financial critical […]